Today, we’re going to embark on a delightful little blast
from the past and talk about the best computer games of all time. I bet you
already know what I’m going to say: Oregon Trail and its lesser known but completely awesome sibling Amazon Trail.
Sadly, my first encounter with Oregon Trail was NOT, in
fact, in elementary school computer class. I feel like that’s where most kids
first play Oregon Trail, but not us. The scene was right for it: we had this
big computer lab full of brightly colored iMacs, and we would get to go in
there every so often and play games. You could play Number Munchers (BLECH!),
write a delightful novel with Storybook Weaver (remember that?), and I’m almost
sure there was some sort of game where you destroyed asteroids with lasers.
However, Oregon Trail was somehow not part of the repertoire.
Like so much of my pop culture education, my first exposure
to Oregon Trail was at my friend Allison’s house. She and her family were
always a thousand times more up-to-date than I was. They’d had a computer (with
INTERNET! WHOA!) ever since I’d known Allison (starting at age five), while my
house didn’t get a computer until I was twelve (and internet was still a few
more years off in the distance). So going to Allison’s house was like going to
a whole new world full of crazy gadgets that did all sorts of crazy (yet
amazing) things. I felt like ET.
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Can't imagine why. |
Of course, one of the crazy/amazing things we could do on
these computers was play games. Allison’s house was well-stocked with computer
games, and it was here that I first learned of the glory of the Oregon Trail. Allison
also had the Oregon Trail’s lesser known sibling, the Yukon Trail, but everyone
knows that the Oregon Trail is far superior.
After I started playing Oregon Trail at Allison’s house, I
was hooked. Since we had no computer at our house, I’d have to get my fix
elsewhere. That meant it was time to expand my Oregon Trail horizons. I soon
discovered (to my great joy) that the Brookings Public Library had Oregon Trail 2. They had this sweet setup where you could sign up for computer time and check
out a game to play during that time – one of the many reasons I loved the
library. Whenever I had the good fortune to make it to the library (which was
whenever I found myself in Brookings – turns out that your parents and
grandparents are usually willing to take you to the library when you ask), I’d
gather up my newest stack of books and station myself at the computer for a
good round of Oregon Trail.
You all know the Oregon Trail drill: you gather up your
wagon party, buy supplies, and you’re off. You’re bound to encounter calamities
along the way: someone dies of dysentery, you drown oxen when you try to ford
the river, morale gets so low that your remaining travel companions overturn
your leadership, and so on.
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First stop: the store! |
All disasters aside, what fun! Not only was Oregon Trail completely
awesome, but it was more educational than it led you to believe. Sure, there
were maps and historical places along the way with all sorts of informational
tidbits. As you traveled through, you could also talk to all the locals and
learn all about their experiences – I never did because I had trails to blaze
(and I thought they were a tad boring, but that could’ve been just me). But the
real education was in those real-life skills (and I use “real-life” loosely
because, after all, it’s just a computer game) that you had to figure out along
your way. You had better know how many pounds of lard to bring along, and you
had to choose the right option when your wagon mate was bitten by a
rattlesnake. You had to know when to caulk the wagon and when to pay the bridge
toll, and you had better get yourself out to hunt and fish when your food ran
low. (Remember the hunting part of the game? It could be MADDENING to sit there
and wait for something to cross your path. Plus, I felt bad shooting at some
helpless Oregon Trail bear and seeing it crumple to the ground. It’s no wonder
I’ve never actually been hunting: I have neither the patience nor the stomach
for it – not even in the computer game.)
In the later editions of the game, you
also had to know what kinds of plants were poisonous when you went out to
gather them. (And if you accidentally brought home a poisonous plant, you
needed to know what you should do to un-poison whatever poor soul had eaten
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:( |
I always found Oregon Trail to be way more fun when I named
my wagon mates after people I knew. I used to name them all after my parents
and siblings, but I felt awfully guilty when one (or more) of them (inevitably)
On the rare occasion that I made it to the end of the Oregon
Trail, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment – even though I had undoubtedly
killed off most of my fellow travelers and oxen, lost or broken all my
supplies, and was a whole lot worse for the wear myself. All that aside, I was
the CHAMPION when I made it through the Oregon Trail in (more or less) one
While I was never fortunate enough to own Oregon Trail, I
did persuade my dad to buy me Amazon Trail. This would’ve been around 1999: I
was twelve and in the sixth grade, and we had just gotten our first computer. (I
remember it well: it was a black Gateway laptop than ran Windows 98.) Sixth
grade was the last year that we were sent home with book orders, and this was
the first opportunity I had to buy a computer game (as buying a computer game
and having no computer didn’t make a lot of sense). My parents would usually be
willing to buy me a book, but this time, I wanted Amazon Trail 3. It was fairly
educational, so I felt like I could make a reasonable argument. I went to my
dad, and he made me a deal: if I beat him at a hand of blackjack, he’d buy me
the game. If I lost, I’d pay for half. I won that hand of blackjack and got
Amazon Trail, which remains the only thing I’ve ever won as a result of
gambling – but when you consider the only other gambling I’ve done is a scratch
card I bought when I was 18, those odds sound a lot better.
Amazon Trail was AWESOME. It was more hands-on than the
Oregon Trail I was used to: while in Oregon Trail, you just watched your wagon
roll on down the trail, you actually had to steer your canoe down the Amazon.
There were rocks and sandbars to watch out for, so you had to pay a fair amount
of attention – otherwise, you’d capsize and lose your stuff/get bitten by a
piranha. The stops you made were more interactive, too – you had a list of
things that you wanted to collect from the people you met along the way, so it
was in your best interest to chat them up.
(They give you all sorts of weird
stuff, and these items come in handy later on as the Amazon Trail is pretty
treacherous – at one point, you have to use one of your gifts to poison
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This is your view for an awful lot of the game. |
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Sometimes they're famous - see the guy on the left? He's supposed to be Henry Ford. |
Like the Oregon Trail, the Amazon Trail had you out finding
your own food when your supplies ran low. However, the Amazon Trail took you a
few steps further. You not only had to spear your fish (which was awesome), but
you had to identify the fish upon catching it. For each different fish you
identified, they were checked off in your field guide. The more animals you
identified, the more points you got in the end.
The other way to identify animals from your field guide was
to make your way into the jungle. There were three jungle scenes that you could
stumble upon depending on your location on the river, and each housed different
animals. The animals moved and ran/flew around, and your job was to take a
picture of them and correctly identify them. This picture would be added to
your photo album, and more photos meant more points. Edible plants were similar
to the fish: you would gather them while you were in the jungle, and
identifying them got you more points.
Unlike on the Oregon Trail – which led you right along the
path –you ran the risk of getting lost on the Amazon Trail. Every now and
again, you’d come to a fork in the river, and if you chose the wrong one, there
was a good chance that you’d be cannibalized. (You could tell because the
background music would switch to something ominous.) Once you learned to
recognize the warning music, you’d just turn yourself around. When the music
was normal again, you knew that you weren’t going to be eaten… FOR NOW.
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Just look at all the stuff there is to identify! |
It had been many years since I’d played Oregon Trail… until
James scored me an old copy of Oregon Trail 5 from Goodwill. Miraculously, it
worked on my Windows Vista computer (I know what you’re thinking: Windows
Vista? get with the times), and I found that it was a lot less thrilling than
it was when I was a kid. I ended up getting a lot angrier at the game than I
had before – I yelled at the game when my wagon capsized in the river; I yelled
at the game when no one would trade for a box of bullets; I yelled at the game
when I died of starvation. Maybe some things are better left in the past.
I remember Amazon Trail as being totally awesome, so I
probably shouldn’t tarnish my memories by playing the game again and getting
really pissed off at it (which is practically a guarantee). However, now that
I’ve written this article, the desire to play it again has become overwhelming.
I came THIS CLOSE to buying the game on (where else?) Amazon, but I had to talk
myself out of it. After all, chances are pretty good that it won’t work on my
computer, and that would be a waste of ten dollars. I’m also pretty sure that
my original copy of Amazon Trail 3 is floating around my parents’ house
somewhere, so I’ll just have to wait patiently until I can dig through the
treasure trove of old computer games.