If you were to ask someone what the proudest moment of their life is, you’d most likely get a fairly predictable answer: the day they graduated from college, the birth of their first child, the time they got the Nobel Prize. If you were to ask me, I’d have a totally different answer: April Fools’ Day, 2007.
In 2007, I was a sophomore in college. If you recall from my
radio story, at this time, I was dating a hipster art major that my parents
weren’t at all fond of. I was starting to agree with them. The relationship had
been deteriorating for months already; the spring semester thus far had been
particularly taxing. Hipster Boyfriend tended to be depressed and needy, and I do
not deal well with needy. Perhaps that was why I never worked as a babysitter.
In any case, during the early months of 2007, I had come
close to breaking up with Hipster Boyfriend on multiple occasions. Why didn’t
I, you ask? Well, the primary reason was that I chickened out. However, in
February, I was struck with the best idea I had ever had (and probably will
ever have). I needed to keep Hipster Boyfriend around long enough to play an
April Fools’ Day joke on my dad.
In order to understand why this April Fools’ Day joke was
destined for greatness, you need to understand my parents’ distaste for my
boyfriend. It’s not that Hipster Boyfriend was rude or inconsiderate to my
parents; not even close. He simply clammed up around them. My parents are
friendly people, so the first time I brought Hipster Boyfriend around, they did
their best to make polite conversation. Hipster Boyfriend, however, was not
having it. My parents could barely get one-word answers out of him. Honestly,
Mom and Dad are not scary people; Hipster Boyfriend simply had no people
skills. Just like I have little patience for neediness, Mom and Dad have little
patience for social ineptitude. Hipster Boyfriend also tended to follow me
around like a lost puppy, which earned him zero respect points at my house. It
didn’t take long before my parents more or less gave up on him. Honestly, I was
about ready to give up as well.
It took a lot, but I managed to hang on. The promise of the
April Fools’ Day joke to end ALL April Fools’ Day jokes was enough to convince
me that a few more months of a bad relationship would ultimately be worth it. In
March, when Hipster Boyfriend was in an uncharacteristically sunny mood, I
pitched my April Fools’ idea: on April 1, I wanted him to call my dad and ask
for permission to marry me.
Not surprisingly, Hipster Boyfriend balked at my idea. Fully
aware of my dad’s distaste for him, Hipster Boyfriend didn’t want to fan the
flame. “Oh, no,” I lied. “My dad will think it’s hilarious. He’ll probably like
you BETTER because of it!” Hipster Boyfriend was still not convinced, so I
resorted to pouting. I know it makes me sound like a spoiled ten year old, but
Hipster Boyfriend could never withstand my deadly pouting/silent treatment
combo. I believe the layman’s term for such an individual is “whipped.” Hipster
Boyfriend reluctantly agreed, and I eagerly began to count the days until April
The fateful day finally arrived. April 1st landed
on a Sunday that year, and Hipster Boyfriend and I had spent the weekend at his
parents’ house near Minneapolis. I was a little less than thrilled that Hipster
Boyfriend would be making this phone call within earshot of his humorless
parents, but what do you do. Hipster Boyfriend’s dad spent the weekend trying
to ruin my plans by making disapproving faces and suggesting lame alternatives.
“Maybe YOU can call your dad!” Hipster Boyfriend’s dad hopefully suggested. “I
bet it would still be funny.” I politely declined: it HAD to be Hipster
Boyfriend. “But what will happen when he REALLY asks you to marry him?” Hipster
Boyfriend’s dad asked. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that my intentions
with his son were less than honorable – the thought of ACTUAL marriage made me
Since April Fools’ Day was on Sunday, the timing of the call
had to be perfect. My parents would be back from church in the late morning,
and I wanted to give them plenty of time to eat. If Hipster Boyfriend called
and they didn’t answer the phone, I would’ve had a hard time convincing him to
try it again. It was do or die. I decided that the best time to call would be
mid-afternoon: my parents would almost certainly be lounging and available for
phone calls.
The morning and early afternoon passed slowly. At long last,
it was time to make the call. Quivering with anticipation, I sat down on the
couch with Hipster Boyfriend as he shakily dialed my parents’ number. I sat
close to Hipster Boyfriend so I could hear the conversation; I didn’t dare
listen in on another line for fear of Dad hearing my stifled giggles and
realizing something was up.
Within two rings, Dad picked up the phone. Hipster Boyfriend
was his nervous, awkward self: “Uh, Tim, do you have a minute for me to talk to
you?” I heard my dad pause apprehensively. “Yes…?” he said. Hipster Boyfriend
took a deep breath and went on: “I know I’ve only been dating Calla for ten
months, but I’ve honestly never met anyone like her. She’s wonderful, and she
means the world to me. I would like your permission to marry her.”
I held my breath: this was the moment of truth. Dad would:
a.) realize what day it was and the jig would be up, or b.) panic. Luckily for
me, he chose the latter. I heard my dad’s voice go up an octave as he said,
“Have you talked to CALLA about this?!” My parents were fully aware of my
relationship woes, so my poor dad didn’t know what to say. Hipster Boyfriend
said that no, he hadn’t talked about it with me. In his entire life, my dad has
never been rendered speechless… except for the afternoon of April 1, 2007. Famously
diplomatic, Dad did his very best to let Hipster Boyfriend down easily. I heard
him say “How are you going to support her with an art major?” and “It’s not
that we don’t LIKE you; we just don’t KNOW you!”
Meanwhile, I was sitting on the couch, trying not to choke
on my own laughter. I don’t recall how long the phone call was, but I’m sure
Dad thought it lasted forever. But like all good things, this too had to end.
Finally, I took the phone from Hipster Boyfriend. “Dad?” I said, suppressing my
cackles. “What day is today?” Dad paused as he looked at the calendar. “It’s
April 1st,” he said. Then, it hit him. “It’s April 1st.
You little shit.” I dissolved in a fit of laughter of epic proportions; I could
hardly breathe, and tears rolled down my face. Dad was not laughing (yet), but
there was an audible sigh of relief. “I’ll call you back when my heart starts
beating again,” Dad said, promptly hanging up.
I spent the rest of the day basking in the glow of my
victory. Hipster Boyfriend was just glad that it was over. I
later found out that Mom had been sitting right by Dad during this phone call,
so she also spent a few minutes in horror. My prank was a two-fer.
News of my April Fools’ Day joke spread like wildfire in my
hometown. I came home for Easter that year, and I was a minor celebrity. My
parents’ friends all congratulated me on being a diabolical genius: Dad’s old
band director was especially proud of me.
More than anything, I wish I could’ve seen Dad’s face during
this phone call. “You know the scene in Raiders
of the Lost Ark when the Nazis’ faces are melting?” Dad said. “I think it
was a lot like that.”
Out of all the stories I have to tell, this one is far and
above my favorite. I tell it every chance I get, particularly around April
Fools’ Day. Many people don’t even mind hearing it multiple times – especially
if they know my dad! Dad, too, has come to accept the brilliance of my April
Fools’ Day joke. He, too, enjoys retelling the tale of that fateful spring day.
It’s been five years, and the story still hasn’t gotten old. However, ever
since 2007, Dad and I no longer talk on April Fools’ Day. He has been known to
call me at 12:01 on April 2nd, but never again will we speak on
April 1st.
![]() |
Looks about right. |
You may be wondering:
how long did I keep Hipster Boyfriend around after more or less forcing him to
do my nefarious bidding? Did I swiftly kick him to the curb on April 2nd?
Actually, no. Even after he totally
ruined my birthday in mid April (which is a story for another time), it took me
until June to work up the courage to break up with Hipster Boyfriend. Even
then, it was short-lived: I felt guilty and took him back that same day. I
broke up with Hipster Boyfriend for good in July: we had been dating for just
over a year. It was the longest year of my life, but it was worth it just so I
could give my dad a few more grey hairs.
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