Before I get started, I am under no illusion that my every thought and opinion matters to anyone but me. I was just lying around last night thinking about this, and I was wondering how many other people had super strong opinions about things that aren't super important (see: Coke v Pepsi). So don't expect any deep thoughts.
Coke or Pepsi?
Coke. All day, every day. Pepsi is a garbage drink. Whenever I ask for Coke in a restaurant and the server asks if Pepsi is ok, I order something else. Pepsi is NOT ok. It will never be a substitution for Coke, so quit asking.
Red or green tractors?
Red, obviously. This is a very divisive topic amongst farm families across the Midwest. Though I am not a farmer in any sense of the word, my dad is. He had red tractors, so I will be planted firmly on the Case IH side until the day I die.
Cats or dogs?
Love them both. Truly, I do. At this stage in my life, though, I am truly a cat person. We have three cats that require very little maintenance, which is essential for life with a six-month-old. Someday, I hope to be in the life position to get a dog (when Phineas is older, perhaps), but right now, I truly appreciate that all our cats need are snuggles and a piece of string for playtime.
Star Trek or Star Wars?
Neither. Don't hate me.
Pancakes or waffles?
Tough one. I'm going to cop out and say it depends. My dad's waffles are the best waffles you will ever have, so every other waffle is disappointing. I love a good yeast pancake. I love breakfast in general.
Morning person or night owl?
Night. 100%. I am the worst morning person you will ever meet. Don't talk to me before 8am.
Summer or winter?
Honestly, who even chooses winter? Especially not around here.
Book or movie?
I'm a librarian. Next question.
Superman or Batman?
Batman. Easy. Batman has the best villains and the best story line. Batman has no superpowers - just strength, cool gadgets, and a chip on his shoulder.
Google or Bing?
Come on.
Frozen yogurt or ice cream?
Ice cream. Frozen yogurt isn't really a thing in the Midwest, land of dairy. Yes, yogurt is dairy, but we Midwesterners prefer our dairy with as much fat as possible.
Fruits or vegetables?
Overall, I am a fruit person. (Except melons. Melons are bullshit.) I am fond of carrots, corn, peppers, and green beans, but anything else can stay away. Give me a big bowl of fruit any day.
McDonalds or Burger King?
Anymore, neither. McDonalds does have an excellent breakfast, though, so I would choose them. When I was a kid, Burger King had the best toys in their kids' meals. However, their food has always been inferior.
Sandals or sneakers?
Sandals, for sure. I avoid wearing socks whenever I can, and sneakers require socks. Socks remind me of winter and cold. I generally wear sandals April through September, save for the guaranteed April blizzards.
Mountains or beach?
Though I love them both, I am a water person through-and-through. Beach every time.
Laundry or dishes?
I would use disposable plates for the rest of my life if that wasn't so wasteful. I will always choose laundry over dishes.
Pen or pencil?
Pen. I haven't used a pencil since high school.
Beer or wine?
Depends on the beer. Depends on the wine. Depends on what I'm eating. Depends on what I'm doing.
Lake or pool?
I grew up swimming in Lake Poinsett, so I appreciate the sun and sand. I don't mind that your swimsuit gets green or that you may run across lake creatures as you swim. It's natural and awesome. Chlorine makes me feel gross.
Apple or Android?
Apple 4ever. Androids have the weirdest and least user-friendly interface. I will NEVER SWITCH.
Coffee or tea?
Coffee. Preferably espresso.
Did I miss anything super important? Let me know :)